Agency For Technical Co-operation and Development

Agence d’Aide à la Coopération Technique et au Développement - History


-From 1993, Afghanistan: ACTED is created by Frédéric Roussel, a former member of AFRANE who tried to provide Kabul’s people with coal during winter. For lack of resources, the supplying trucks sometimes arrived late in the middle of summer, and the coal was distributed during heat waves. From Kabul, ACTED first spreads to the South of Afghanistan, then, in 1999, to the North-east, working on the Taleban side as well as on commander Ahmed Shah Massoud’s. Before the American military intervention at the end of 2001, the association also starts new programs in the North-western province of Faryab, stricken by drought. As it has widened its presence in neighbouring countries like Tajikistan and Pakistan, ACTED is able to come back to Afghanistan quite easily after the Taleban fundamentalist regime has fallen.
-1997, Congo-Brazzaville: ACTED starts a program to rehabilitate infrastructures in Pointe-Noire and Brazzaville.