French Committee for International Solidarity

Comité français pour la solidarité internationale - History


-From 1979, Peru: a member of CFCF, the CICDA (International Centre for Cooperation on Agricultural Development), established in 1978, supports an irrigation project along with the Agrarian League of Chumbivilcas and its union partners at both local and national levels, i.e. the FARTAC (Federación Agraria Departamental Tupac Amaru del Cusco, or Tupac Amaru Regional Agrarian Federation from Cusco) and the CNA (Confederación Nacional Agraria, or National Agrarian Confederation). CICDA also follows the Legal Aid Tupac Amaru Centre (CAJTA) in its efforts. CAJTA, founded at the end of 1981, supports peasant land requests and promotes an agrarian reform which was never really implemented since its promulgation by the military in 1969. According to CICDA, this project helps channelling popular demands in an Andean region traditionally hostile to the central government, especially with the Shining Path guerrilla.