Anti-Slavery International

Anti-Slavery International - Comments

2) The way it works

-ASI uses three main forms of action to fight against slavery. The first one is to lobby international organisations and governments. The second one is to support research projects on the issue of slavery. And the third one is to help local partners, both financially and through legal counsel, so that they can raise public awareness about slavery. Through its experience and knowledge of intergovernmental organisations, ASI relays the work of its partners and develops information programmes to educate the public. Contrary to Amnesty International, it rarely sends missions to investigate in the field and doesn’t publish an annual report on slavery. Through lack of funding, ASI doesn’t either use the courts as a means of ensuring the effective application of the international conventions banning all forms of slavery.
-There are in the world more recent organisations whose aims are much the same, such as the Comité contre l’esclavage moderne (“Committee against modern slavery”) in France or Free the Slaves in the United States, an association founded in 2000 by Kevin Bales, a member of ASI’s administration board. These organisations do not have structural or financial links between them and don’t always work as a network.