Brothers of Men

Frères des Hommes - Comments

2) The way it works

-FDH runs long-term programmes and is usually well integrated amongst peasants in developing countries. It avoids sending expatriates and rather works with local partners. In favour of a "social economy", the association often backs rural trade unions, sometimes with the support of the CFDT (the French Democratic Labour Confederation). In the 1980s, FDH thus got involved with sugar workers' organisations in Haiti, Saint-Domingue, and the Philippines. In Africa where the union movement is less developed, FDH also supported an initiative in Zaire before 1994, Peasant Solidarity, whose leaders had been briefly imprisoned by the dictatorship of General Mobutu Sese Seko.
-FDH is close to the Swiss NGO Terre des Hommes (“Land of Men”) with whom it edits the monthly Journal Peuples en marche.