Norwegian Church Aid
Sources écrites

Norwegian Church Aid - Sources écrites

-NCA Annual Reports since 2000 / Rapports d'activités de la NCA depuis 2000.
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-ACORD [1995], Development in Conflict: The Experience of ACORD in Uganda, Sudan, Mali and Angola, London, Overseas Development Institute, Relief and Rehabilitation Network Paper n°9, 90p.
-Atmar, Haneef & Goodhand, Jonathan [2002], Aid, Conflict and Peace building in Afghanistan , London, International Alert, 73p.
-Avril, Véronique [2002], " Des ONG aux OG : le processus de " gouvernementalisation " des organisations humanitaires internationales (Kosovo, 1999/2000) ", in Conoir, Yvan & Verna, Gérard (ed.)L'action humanitaire du Canada : histoire, concepts, politiques et pratiques du terrain , Québec, Presses de l'Université Laval, pp.126-44.
-Bakkevig, Trond [1996], The Church of Norway and the Struggle against apartheid , Oslo, Church of Norway, CEIR, 51p.
-Bennett, Jon (ed.) [1995], Meeting Needs : NGO Coordination in Practice, London, Earthscan, 190p.
-DeMars, William [1997], « Contending Neutralities : Humanitarian Organizations and War in the Horn of Africa », in Smith, Jackie & Pagnucco, Ronald (ed.), Transnational social movements and global politics : solidarity beyond the state , Syracuse (N.Y.), Syracuse University Press, pp.101-22.
-Eriksen, Tore Linné (ed.) [2000], Norway and national liberation in Southern Africa , Uppsala, Nordiska afrikainstitutet, 416p.
-Ingebrigtsen, Kristin & Lyttleton, Chris [2006], Investigation of alleged sexual exploitation and abuse of Akha girls and women by Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) in Laos, Oslo, NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation), 48p.
-Jacobs, Dan [1987], The Brutality of nations, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 383p.
-Kristiansen, Tomm [1996], Mandelas land: en fortelling om frihet , Oslo, J.W. Cappelen, 335p.
-Lloyd, Hugh et al. [1972], The Nordchurchaid Airlift to Biafra, 1968-70, An Operations Report , Copenhague, Folkekirkens Nodjaelp, 232p.
-Lindsay, Kennedy [mars 1969], « How Biafra pays for the War », Venture, Journal of the Fabian Colonial Bureau (Londres) vol.21, n°3, pp.26-7.
-Madiebo, Alexander [1980], The Nigerian Revolution and the Biafran War, Enugu, 4th Dimension, 411p.
-Marcussen, Henrik Secher [1996], " Comparative Advantages of NGOs : Myths and Realities ", in Stokke, Olav (ed.), Foreign aid towards the year 2000 : experiences and challenges, London, Cass, pp.259-85.
-Mazard, Eisel [2006], Observations on an aid-worker sex scandal in Laos: a brief analysis of the Norwegian Church Aid report on allegations of rape and sexual misconduct by their staff in Meung Long district, Salem (Oregon), The Akha Heritage Foundation, 12p.
-Ndegwa, Stephen [1996], The two faces of civil society : NGOs and politics in Africa , West Hartford (Conn.), Kumarian Press, 141p.
-Okpoko, John [1986], The Biafran Nightmare : the controversial role of international relief agencies in a war of genocide, Enugu, Delta, 76p.
-Sellström, Tor (ed.) [1999], Liberation in Southern Africa : Regional and Swedish Voices , Uppsala, Nordiska afrikainstitutet, 365p.
-Smillie, Ian [1985], The land of lost content : a history of CUSO (Canadian University Service Overseas) , Toronto, Deneau, 408p.
-Stremlau, John [1977], The International Politics of the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 425p.
-Tvedt, Terje [1998], Angels of mercy or development diplomats ? NGOs and foreign aid, Oxford, Currey, 246p.
-Vachon, Marc (ed.) [2005],   Voyage au bout de l'humanitaire , Paris, la Découverte, 347p.
-Voksø, Per [1987], Utfordringen : Ved Kirkens Nødhjelps 40 års merke, Oslo, Norwegian Church Aid, 200p.
-Wiseberg, Laurie [1974], « Humanitarian Intervention : Lessons from the Nigerian Civil War », Human Rights Journal vol.7, n°1, pp.61-98.