Inter-movement Committee for Evacuees

Comité inter-mouvements auprès des évacués - Comments

2) The way it works

-Unlike other international NGOs which send expatriates volunteers to administer humanitarian programmes in the field, the CIMADE only intervenes in the third-world through local partners, even if it implies dispatching employees from Paris to evaluate the actions undertaken. The advantage of this is that it leaves recipient populations decide for their own projects. Yet, a “remote control” also carries risks of multiplying small programmes, and of not being able to prevent the humanitarian logistics from being used for political purposes. Considering that most of the CIMADE activities are undertaken in France, the funds transferred to developing countries are quite low. According to figures Aid Watch gathered, the part allocated to salaries in Paris as compared to the total expenses of the international solidarity sector of the CIMADE varied between 72% in 1984, 85% in 1997 and 16% in 2002. The last figure includes wages for actions in France, especially regarding advocacy in favour of the third world; one half of those wages are paid by the ministry of Foreign Affairs.