Kirkens Nødhjelp

Norwegian Church Aid - Comments

6) Links to economic circles

-NCA has adopted strong positions in favour of the cancellation of the Third-world debt, a fare trade with poor countries and landless peasants movements in Brazil. When compared to NGOs such as Oxfam or NPA (Norwegian People’s Aid), it is more reluctant to build partnerships with the business community and it openly criticises multinational corporations’ abusive actions in developing countries. With the WCC, NCA called for international, binding economic sanctions against the apartheid regime in South Africa in the 1980s. Yet, in 1988, it did not join the WCC to boycott Shell and decide which companies should be targeted in particular. Today, the organisation focuses on the textile, oil and food-processing industries. In a press release dated September 8 2000 in Toronto, for instance, NCA accused the Canadian oil company Talisman to finance the Sudanese military and to support the forced displacement of the population around the rigs. CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere), Oxfam, German Agro-Action, Fellowship for African Relief and the International Volunteer Organisation for Co-operation joined the protest because this company asserted that humanitarian NGOs were co-operating  to alleviate the suffering of the villagers affected by oil extraction. In 2004, NCA also challenged people in Norway to boycott Coca Cola because one of its factories in India polluted water resources in Kerala State: the plant had to close temporarily.