Assistance to All Kind of Distress, Fourth World

Aide à toute détresse Quart Monde - History


-1960, France: ATD starts hiring volunteers, either male or female, from all nationalities, social and professional backgrounds, religious beliefs and philosophical opinions. The organization also creates an Institute of Research and Training in Human Relations, the Institut de Recherche et de Formation aux Relations Humaines, to analyse great poverty in industrialized countries despite the economic boom after the Second World War (IRFRH, 107 avenue du Général Leclerc, 95480 Pierrelaye, Tel:, Fax:, institut@atd-quart-monde.org).
-From 1964, France: General Charles de Gaulle’s niece, Geneviève Anthonioz, who experienced misery when she was interned in the Ravensbrück concentration camp in Germany during the Second World War, puts an end to her political carrier with the minister of cultural affairs, André Malraux, in order to chair ATD until 1998. The charity gets international and, after Great Britain in 1957, opens an office in Switzerland in 1965.