Assistance to All Kind of Distress, Fourth World

Aide à toute détresse Quart Monde - History


-1971, France: to raise funds, ATD creates an Aide à toute détresse Foundation whose public utility is recognised.
-From 1974, France: with the American, Belgian, Dutch, German and Swiss associations, the international movement of ATD Quart Monde is launched. It spreads to Spain, Luxembourg, Poland, Italy, Portugal, the United States, Africa, Latin America, Asia, etc. It gets a consultative status with ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council), ILO (International Labour Organization), UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Fund) and the Council of Europe (in 1977).
-From 1978, Thailand, Guatemala: ATD Quart Monde starts sending volunteers to developing countries. In Thailand, a program started in a Cambodian refugee camp leads to Bangkok’s slums. In Guatemala, another project, centred on the city of San Jacinto, is maintained in the field of medical training until 1987. Later, ATD settles in Guatemala’s capital city, where it helps the victims of eviction, along with the Institute against urban poverty (ISMU) in 2002 for instance.
-1979-1988, France: Father Joseph Wresinski joins the French Economic and Social Council where he submits a report on “great poverty and economic and social precariousness” in 1987. This process contributes to the implementation of new laws such as the one about the minimum income for integration, RMI (Revenu Minimum d’Insertion), voted in December 1988.